The members of Rho Xi Omega chapter are proud of each positive mark that we make in the community. No initiative or program is too small. Whether we help 10 community members or 1,000, our service is the heart of what we do. ​Our signature programs are events/activities that we typically plan annually to support community members and raise funds for our foundation, Cultured Pearls of Service, Inc.
Rho Xi Omega's award-winning Ascension program bridges the gap between high school and college by demystifying the college application and enrollment process.
Too many African American high school students lack the basic support needed to navigate through the college admissions process. Through our partnership with Baltimore City College High School, we will help students complete applications, prepare for the ACT and SAT, write compelling personal statements, identify scholarships and other financial aid resources, and compile a portfolio to track college admissions.
While we do intentionally support historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), Ascension is open to students who are applying to HBCUs as well as predominately White institutions (PWIs).
Camp Font-Tastic is a four-week summer science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) camp for middle school students. Additionally, students learn about the significant contributions of African Americans in the STEAM fields and engage in interactive activities that stimulate critical thinking and broaden their knowledge in STEAM fields. Each Friday, they attend trips that bring their classroom experience to life, while making life-long friends.
Our camp aims to promote academic excellence, boost self esteem and self respect, and build cultural awareness. Campers have fun applying the new skills they learn during the summer and return to school each fall ready to use those skills in healthy ways.
Rho Xi Omega's annual Crab Feast is one of the major fundraisers that supports scholarships for Cultured Pearls of Service, Inc. (CPS, Inc.). Pre-pandemic, this event annually sold 700+ tickets. With a DJ rockin', vendors selling clothes and jewelry, and good food, this event annually told 700+ tickets.
In 2021 and 2022, we pivoted and hosted a Crab and Go, which allowed supporters to driveby and pick up their Crab Bag stuffed with crabs, soup, corn on the cob, roasted potatoes, steamed shrimp, a RXO embossed mallet, and a QR code that offered a sure-to-get-you-moving playlist. Most importantly, ticket holders supported scholarships awarded by CPS, Inc.